C.V. / Resume

Date and place of birth: Bucharest, 14th November, 1983
Lives and works in Bucharest.

E-mail address: teodora_visineanu@yahoo.com
                 Link: www.teodoravisineanu.blogspot.com


·     2006-2008 - Master Degree in Visual Arts, Painting Department, Mentor-Associate Prof. PhD Catalin Balescu;
·            2006 - Graduate of the National University of Arts, Bucharest, Faculty of Plastic Arts, Painting Department- Mentor: Senior Prof PhD. Sorin Ilfoveanu;
·     2002-2004 -“Dinu Lipatti” High school of Arts, Painting Department, Mentor-Professor Gheorghe Pantelie.

Solo Exhibitions:

·      2009 - “Vanitas”, pub Deja fu…, Bucharest;
·      2008 - “The Human Fabric” Unagaleria, Bucharest;
·      2000 - “Genesis” Arts Café, Pitesti.

Group Exhibitions:

·     2009 - Exhibits for Entering UPA (Union of Plastic Artists), Galeria Caminul Artei, Bucharest;

·      2008 - Exhibition on graduating The Master Degree, Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest;

·      2007 - Painting Exhibition- Polytechnic University Rectorship, Bucharest;

·      2007 - Painting Exhibition- First Floor Gallery, The Passepartout Foundation;

·      2007 - “Contemporary Myths of the Human Body”, The Arte e Arta Foundation, the Comedy Theatre of Bucharest;

·      2007 - the “George Patrascu” Biennial Exhibition, Stella Galleries, Targoviste;

·      2006 - “4 times Figurative” Simeza Gallery, Bucharest;

·      2006 - “Aprox. 1983”, exhibition of the graduates of Prof. Sorin Ilfoveanu’s class, Artexpo Gallery, Bucharest;

·      2006 - “Primavera- Gala of the young artists” The Central University Library, Bucharest;

·      2006 - “The Woman” the Arte e Arta Foundation, Amphitheatre Hall, the National Theatre of Bucharest;

·      2005 - “Figurativo Leggero” Accademia di Romania di Roma, Italy;

·      2005 - “Bonjour Europe” the French Institute, Bucharest;

·      2005 - the “George Patrascu” Biennial Exhibition, Stella Galleries, Targoviste;

·      2004 - “Desktop” Oracle Headquarters, Bucharest;

·      2004 - “Days of Romanian Culture”, Munich, Germany;

·      2002 - “Flowers of the Soul”, Naive Art Gallery, Pitesti;

·      2002 - “Spring Exhibition”, Books House,  Pitesti;

·      2001 - “Youth’s Exhibition”, Culture House, Campulung Muscel;
Copyright© Teodora Visineanu